Hotmilk events around the globe

Hotmilk events around the globe

This year we wanted to get more in touch with our customers and understand exactly what it is they are going through and how we can help to make their journey is easier. As a result we decided to create instore events with selected retailers to meet and greet as many of our customers as we can.

The main focus behind our events is to create a personal atmosphere where people can chat freely, discuss any highs and lows they may be experiencing and of course be professionally fitted into our Hotmilk nursing bras and walk away feeling beautiful on the inside and out.

To date we have held 3 events which have all been full of fun and positive vibes. Every event is free to attend, however there are limited numbers, so it is essential you book. At each event we have had inspiring and informative guest speakers, yummy drinks and sweet treats, 20% off all Hotmilk bras, amazing goody bags with every purchase and fabulous giveaways!

Keep up to date with all our events by checking back here for future events and past events!



Perth Hotmilk Event
When: 13th August 2018, 10am
Where: Room For Two, 144 Rokeby Rd, Subiaco, WA 6008, Australia
Price: Free
Reserve your place now: email

Melbourne Hotmilk Event
When: 19th October 2018, 9.30am
Where: Preggi Central, 1/22-24 Wells St, Frankston VIC 3199, Australia
Price: Free
Reserve your place now: email

Sydney Hotmilk Event
When: 25th September 2018, 10am
Where: Brava - Level 1, 70 Druitt St, Sydney NSW 2000
Price: Free
Reserve your place now: email


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