Hotmilk: A New Zealand company and proud of it!

Hotmilk: A New Zealand company and proud of it!

As a New Zealand company who aspires to empower women and make them feel as beautiful and confident as they can, we were absolutely thrilled to hear that Jacinda Ardern had been elected as the Prime Minister of New Zealand in October 2017. She stole the world spotlight as such a young ambitious female to lead her country and when we heard she was also pregnant, we were even more overjoyed and proud to call ourselves a NZ company.

Jacinda welcomed her baby daughter; Neve Te Aroha Ardern Gayford on June 21st 2018 weighing in at a healthy weight of 3.31kg (7.3lb). As far as our research goes, there has only been one other world leader (outside of the monarchy) who has been pregnant while in office. This was the Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto who gave birth in 1990 while in office, and again in her second term.

New Zealand is a small but incredibly progressive country. There are so many reasons why Hotmilk are proud to be from New Zealand some of which are mentioned below...

  • We were the first country in the world to give women the right to vote way back in 1893. It wasn't untill between 1910 and 1918 that the UK and the US allowed women to vote and that still included some age limitations for the UK.
  • We have always been Nuclear Free and officially said NO to nuclear power in 1987. New Zealand is working towards obtaining 90 per cent of its power from renewable sources by 2025.
  • We were the 13th country in the world to legalise gay marriage!
  • We were the first country to have all of its top positions of political power held simultaneously by women. Between March 2005 and August 2006, all five highest offices of power in New Zealand were held by women:
- Governor-General: Silvia Cartwright
- Prime Minister: Helen Clark,
- Speaker of the House: Margaret Wilson
- Chief Justice: Sian Elias
- Sovereign: Queen Elizabeth II

Hotmilk was established 13 years ago in New Zealand and has grown from strength to strength. Its occasions and celebrations like all of the above that make us so proud to be apart of our country. Our bras are now stocked in 11 countries including the UK, the US, Europe, NZ and AUS, which includes 255 retailers and through our online store.

We have always supported women and mums throughout the world and are huge advocates of breastfeeding for those who can.

Kia Kaha to all the amazing women and mums of the globe xxx

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