Maternity Bra Experts - We're Breastfeeding Mums Too | Hotmilk

Maternity Bra Experts - We're Breastfeeding Mums Too | Hotmilk

Over 19 Years of Expertise in Maternity and Nursing Lingerie, technically and personally we know what you need! Trust us, we're breastfeeding mums too. 

With three of our wonderful mama's returning to the office from maternity leave in the second half of 2024, their breastfeeding journey continues to inspire us every day in Hotmilk's mission to support mothers worldwide.

With Sally, Jesse, and Becs returning to the office, I felt inspired to ask some of our team members about their breastfeeding experiences and memories. Their responses were honest and sometimes unexpected. Despite the challenges, we all look back on those special moments between mother and baby with a sense of fondness and positivity

Rebecca: Customer Service and Mother of 2 Delightful Girls

-  Ava: 3 year old wild child, headstrong but sensitive
-  Meika: Relaxed almost 1 year old, happy to go with the flow

I feel I'm one of the lucky ones, with Ava it was slightly harder learning to get her to latch but once she had we were away. Meika got latching straight away and breastfeeding was a dream. I love the convenience, cost savings and creating that close bond. The tricky part in the early days was being tied to breastfeeding while Ava ran a muck. These days it's the biting that's starting to happen which I am not enjoying! Returning to work I look forward to that quiet time in the evening with Meika till she self weens.

Rebecca's Pick - Show Off Black

Sally: Brand Manager and Mother to the Chaos Queens

- Izzy: My big 3 year old! Farm girl at heart with a love for cooking
- Harriet: A tough wee cookie ready to take on the world with her big sister

I always struggled with breastfeeding. I don’t think there is much awareness around the fact that breastfeeding is a learned skill and doesn’t always come naturally. I breastfed my first daughter for ten months, my favourite moments were the late-night feeds, where it was just the two of us. With my second, I struggled to feed her due to post-birth complications so we called time on breastfeeding after four months. Bottle-feeding my second child was a great call for us - I was able to share the load with my partner and get some extra sleep in when I needed it! 

Sally's Pick - Warrior Plunge Ivory

Jesse: Marketing Manager and Mother of the Cutest Pigeon Pair

- Payton: Horse crazy 3 year old who knows what she wants
- Miller: My prince charming, has me wrapped around his little finger

My breastfeeding journey has been smooth overall. Both of my kids latched on easily, and I've had a good milk supply, which has been incredibly helpful. I’m still nursing Miller and plan to continue, especially since he's my last child. I cherish those late-night feeds when it’s just the two of us, even though getting up in the morning is a bit tougher. Being able to pump at work has allowed me to extend my breastfeeding journey, making it possible to feed Miller before and after work. 

Jesse's Pick - My Everyday Busty

Kelly: Customer Service and Mother of 2 Crazy Boys

- Mitchell: Adventurist kid who could talk under water
- Blake: My shy deep thinking cuddler

After an emergency C-Section I had envisioned issues with breastfeeding my first. But I need not have worried, my milk came in on day 2 and I happily breastfeed with no issues or struggles till he was nearly 1. I loved that it gave me a regular reason to STOP. Stop trying to keep the house tidy, do chores etc. Just stop and enjoy some quiet time with my baby. So second baby comes and I'm feeling pretty smug. I got this, I have done this before and I know what I'm doing. Well what a different story that was, breastfeeding was definitely a struggle and took weeks and weeks of pain and persistence. I can really feel for those who may not have a great first time experience, but it goes to prove each time is different, so if it wasn’t easy or enjoyable the first time, the next time could be amazing so give it a go!

Kelly's Pick - Show Off Black

Wendy: Designer and Mother of 2 

- Grace: A budding young artist
- Cooper: A lego crazed kid

I breastfed both my kids for 6-7 months. I went back to work after 5 months for both kids and would sit in the fitting room and use a breast pump to express so they could stay on breast milk for as long as possible. All my colleagues knew it was milking time as the walls were so thin they could hear the breast pump chugging away!

I found breastfeeding extremely difficult for my first child, I thought that since breastfeeding was a natural thing to do, it would be easy. I gave myself a 6-week mark and if I didn't have it by then, I would bottle feed. The point that I had breastfeeding sorted just happened to be at 6 weeks! Luckily for me the second time around was much easier! I was a lot more relaxed and knew exactly what to do!

Wendy's Pick - True Luxe Black

Michelle: Marketing and Mother of 2 Athletes

- Josh: Adrenaline seeking mountain biker
- Ayla: An ambitious rock climber with a huge amount of spunk.

I found breastfeeding to be relatively easy. I remember my midwife saying that I had great breastfeeding nipples, so maybe that’s why. Josh was a machine when it came to feeding and I often had to pump extra to keep up with his ability to chug back the milk (god help me when he’s a teenager!) He was also a ‘happy chucker’ and I remember having to always have a towel on hand to catch the huge amount of milk that he’d bring up after his feed. Ayla was a lot simpler and was nowhere near as hungry as Josh, so breastfeeding was an easy and relaxed journey with her.

I have the fondest memories of that tingling sensation that happens before your milk letdowns…oh how I miss that! I also remember regularly squirting josh in the face as he’d come in for a many memories!

Michelle's Pick - Ambition T-Shirt Black

LISA: Director and Mother of 3 Girls

- Amara: A mover and a shaker
- Aria: An aspiring entrepreneur
- Violet: Pocket rocket full of life.

I was lucky enough to be able to breastfeed all my girls. I wouldn’t say that I loved breastfeeding, but realized the benefits that came from breastfeeding.

I remember thinking how lucky I was to have such healthy babies through the winter time. None of the girls really got sick and when I look back at it, luck had nothing to do with it. My breastmilk is what helped them stay healthy.

The convenience of breastfeeding was a god send! It was almost like having a built-in pacifier. I could calm all our girls whenever and wherever I was just by breastfeeding. On a separate note… breastfeeding worked wonders for my post pregnancy belly!

Lisa's Pick - Warrior Plunge Black

Steph: Sales Manager and Mother of 2 Busy Kids

- Neva: Dance is Neva’s world along with Hockey, Snow Skiing and beach life
- Taine: Crazy mad about basketball, snow skiing, surfing to name a few!

OMG the things that happened!!! I’m not sure if my memories of breastfeeding made me want to cry or fall to the ground with laughter with some of the very unexpected things that happened, it was not always an easy journey for me BUT I did it and fed both my babies until they were 13mths! I also LOVED the relief of feeding and that super special time, building that ever so strong connection between mum and bub is off the wall.

Steph's Pick - Lunar Eclipse Black

Angela: Logistics and Mother Extraordinaire of Triplets

- Lennox and Harper: both have a love for the water and snow
- Willow: A lover of football and adventures

Let’s just say breastfeeding was a challenge. Trying to breastfeed premature triplets was hard to say the least. Most nights were spent trying to get 5lb, 4lb & 3lb babies to latch on. I then had to express to increase my milk supply and then get back into bed just in time for the next feed.

I had always imagined that I would breastfeed my children but sadly it wasn’t a physical reality for me. I didn't produce enough milk to feed three babies, however, in saying that, I breastfeed the triplets for 2-3 weeks and gave them as much goodness as I could possibly handle. As hard as it was, I have the fondest memories of these beautiful tiny babies in my arms trying to latch on for breastmilk goodness…oh and amazing memories of the night nurse in the special care unit making the most insane hot chocolates for me through the night xxx

Ange's Pick - Obsession Black

Tessa: Designer and Mother to 2 Boys with Big Vision

- Nate: My serious inventor who will change the world
- Fraser: Super creative and inspiring

I loved breastfeeding my boys, I felt special being the only one that could provide that comfort for them, and I found it gave me a closeness even when I was struggling with creating a bond after difficult births.
Breastfeeding didn't come easily, but with persistence, it was incredibly rewarding, cheap and easy compared to the bottle when out and about and in the middle of the night. Both my boys had type 4 tongue-ties (short and tight) and Im glad I pushed for a solution, including lactation consultants, plunket line and finally laser release which I was lucky to be able to access and afford. I was really sad when I had to stop!

Tessa's Pick - Warrior Soft Cup Black

Whether you breast or bottle feed, feeding time is always a special bonding time when they stare up at you with so much love, it would make any heart explode with love.

Breastfeeding Hotmilk Expertise

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